
Promote stationary concrete batching plants

The elimination of " yellow car " while vigorously promote clean energy vehicles. Plans to phase out 450 fuel buses, new gas purchase 600 buses . Transferred off-site for new vehicle registration and implementation of country Ⅳ standard ; standards for vehicle emissions is not mandatory maintenance. Use of remote sensing monitoring system for small concrete mixer monitoring of motor vehicles , non-compliance of the vehicle emissions severely punished . This year , the city will also soon as possible " in Shijiazhuang vehicle Pollution Control Regulations ( Regulations ) " and " Shijiazhuang City Central Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization Management Regulations ( Conditions ) ." Start Promotion battery automotive engineering , build electric car charging stations, charging pile , for electric facilities ; given in terms of sales and service of electric vehicles biggest deals. In addition, management concrete mixer manufacturer on the implementation of oil and gas recovery . Before the end of the completion of the city's storage tanks , gas stations and tanker and gas recovery transformation ; oil recovery of about 0.8 percent , the city's annual gasoline consumption is about 2.2 million tons per year of recyclable fuel and reduce emissions of 17,600 tons of oil and gas .


Expressway headquarters and even early deployment

Money is tight troubled Sui Northern Motorway A7 B5 labeled and marked the biggest problem construction . Two sections of the total project cost of about 480 million yuan , soil stabilization plant severe shortage of funds , the construction again difficult.
When in January 2011 , took over as vice president of project manager, project work , construction output value of 210 million yuan left to complete. At this point, from the owners issued August 31 main road construction project is completed only valid for 4 months , the professionals had predicted : "If the standard A7 want completed on time , unless a layer of asphalt less ." Sui Northern High Speed Highway headquarters or even ahead of the deployment requirements and A7 marked adjacent to an ready mix concrete plants two tenders each multi asphalt mixing station , marked a critical moment to support A7 .
"Back door" has been shut, no retreat at all. " How can we give a game of two companies disgrace ? How can drop their own jobs ? Our task must be to complete the contract within the stipulated time ! " Received strong support in the capital .


Quality defects insisted rework

In construction management , transportation disaster reconstruction projects do require that each person participating in the construction put "quality is extremely heavy ," and awareness rooted in the hearts , earnestly implement the responsibility for the quality , concrete plant manufacturers refine the design , construction, supervision and unit owners responsibility for the quality objectives , so hierarchical management , progressively responsible , and proceed from the small office to control every good and every construction process quality indicators , increase the frequency of site inspection and found quality problems and quality defects insisted rework. Zhou Feng along the highway towards the Bailong wiring , along a total stationary concrete batching plant of highway nearly three kilometers of flooding retaining wall project . Moreover, the frequent rains in Zhouqu , rainy Bailong River water flow , flooding retaining wall construction difficulty is particularly great. Post-disaster reconstruction projects to organize transport All units actively exploring new methods of construction , and the organization to observe and learn from each other good practices and experiences .


Do not allow cement and mix by rain

Stabilized soil mixing station has been referred to as the stabilized soil mixing station , and now a lot of people in life might have seen . In fact, it is a mixture of various stir into  batch plant for sale  in urban road construction now or will see it on the square . However, stabilized soil mixing station can not just construction , concrete mixing , gave you the following construction requirements under stable soil mixing station has what ?
Construction of cement stabilized soil  small concrete mixers  season , especially in the cement layer of soil structure , should pay special attention to climate change, and not allow the cement mix was rain. Drop should should stop construction , but has been paving the dense cement mixture should be compacted as soon as possible . Road construction mixing method , measures should be taken to exclude water bearing layer surface , rendering the road aggregates shipped to excessive moisture .