
Expressway headquarters and even early deployment

Money is tight troubled Sui Northern Motorway A7 B5 labeled and marked the biggest problem construction . Two sections of the total project cost of about 480 million yuan , soil stabilization plant severe shortage of funds , the construction again difficult.
When in January 2011 , took over as vice president of project manager, project work , construction output value of 210 million yuan left to complete. At this point, from the owners issued August 31 main road construction project is completed only valid for 4 months , the professionals had predicted : "If the standard A7 want completed on time , unless a layer of asphalt less ." Sui Northern High Speed Highway headquarters or even ahead of the deployment requirements and A7 marked adjacent to an ready mix concrete plants two tenders each multi asphalt mixing station , marked a critical moment to support A7 .
"Back door" has been shut, no retreat at all. " How can we give a game of two companies disgrace ? How can drop their own jobs ? Our task must be to complete the contract within the stipulated time ! " Received strong support in the capital .

