
Ready-mixed concrete chloride ion exceeded last

Currently sand and river sand to build market exercise ratio is how much ? Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Building energy-saving technology , the first to rely on the market to build early stationary batch plant  , Xijiang supply sand , but in October 2008 , the East River , West River are limited river sand mining, dozens of sand from the original point of elimination to engrave the moment only three on the West River , river sand supply the needs of the surrounding areas not far from satisfactory . " At the moment the market is simply Shenzhen small proportion of river sand ,  concrete plants for sale  data building housing the Bureau does not keep statistics , but the council next step will be linked with other parts of sand on all kinds of topics to build a movement to hold law ."


Asphalt mixing plant has been built for many years

" I started mixing station , we are afraid to open the window ." Love affair several restaurants Xianshan jungle park staff said mixing station produced in the city every two or three in a row to dawn , fights we can not sleep , asphalt mixing plant has been built for many years, the most recent two years, perhaps because of aging equipment, batch plants for sale outrageous . Surrounded by Dongfeng Motor Electric Company a teacher reported reporters , construction began mixing station whenever smoke . No matter what the wind scraping sides of the city affected residents , of dust floating in the atmosphere , the smell is very tough, occasionally bumped fog Chen climate , drying clothes in the yard have been dyed a dark gray road , they also react many times , but have not taken effect, I hope you can probably get the relevant part of the attention . Surrounding residents implied , mixing stations exist , let them much distress. With polluting enterprises why living in the surrounding area produced it? Reporter investigation into a French portable batching plant to prime for urban ladder " black brush " of doing things . Since the establishment of an earlier time , when the asphalt mixing station stationed in the region is still relatively depressed . In recent years, along with the growth of the city , surrounded by residents have sprung up , the presence of asphalt mixing plant life circumstances affect the surrounding residents , and then became popular masses of complaints .


ready-mixed concrete to build the station

Media reports said a lot less Ge Hai sand flowing into Shenzhen to build the site, excited attention. The 14th day, the Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant of Housing and achievements of the city's 92 ready-mix concrete is produced in the station organized spot checks to build sand , invented 15 mixing stations exercised less Ge Hai sand .
This site has exercised 15 ready-mixed concrete mixing station produced become the core of public understanding . Housing and achievements of Shenzhen , Shenzhen achievements commissioned project quality inspection center, suspected of exercise 15 less Ge Hai sand mixing station produced 14 projects ready-mixed concrete, chloride ion content organized entity Pulling detected from the layout . 22 evening , the stationary concrete batching plants of Housing and achievements have been released six projects completed testing the efficacy of standard test : secure financial center , GREAT Verde, Long St Petersburg garden, Subway Line 5 Tanglang Depot in affordable housing Po can catch orange sand hotel phase I, Chung Tak Park six projects , chloride ion content of between 0.036 to 0.162 percent , both to meet national standards . Among them, the chloride ion content secure financial centers of the two samples were 0.064% , is less than 0.3% to meet national standards .


presents concrete poured off board

"In the build pioneering achievements in the sand does exercise , but all evidence of coherent delineation of sand held coherent processing reward and punishment , and the treatment process is not perfect reward and punishment is a long held at the site , so the company deal with CCTV reported Speaking site Shanghai water washing sand still not fully confirmed , to be given after the internal talent outside the formal observation feedback . "
However is worth noting that , in the CCTV reporter on the 14th again into the concrete plant, concrete Incident manual clear noted that no promise with sand , so there is no point used sand , but mining in West River, East River , Pearl River and other places sand. In fact , as reported in the "Industry resonance ", as the exercise of sand is stationary concrete batching plant of Shenzhen , Heng-Yu presented their top plate of concrete poured off, the reinforced severe rust inflation. Subsequent office judgment on April 10, 2002 judgment provided impact statements , Heng-Yu finds judged noxious grade as Class B, pioneering provider final approval, when this house without making desalination of sea sand recovered .
In 2007 , Stationary conacrete plant county was broke lowest scale exercise over the country nearly eight times the three types of sand building sand held . And by the end of 2012 , Foshan also broke four sand Higher Residential building exercise , the first industry sector requirements check out. Insiders pointed out that , in Foshan territory eighty percent of real estate in the construction of buildings with sand .


Two talent scale

1 , the annual output of 100,000 cubic meters of concrete goods over product quality pass.
2 , business manager with more than 5 years experience in engineering RBI incident or have intermediate professional titles ; skills seriously engage people with more than 3 years batch mixing plant in commercial concrete production incident and have coherent intermediate professional titles ; financial seriously people with intermediate tube account titles . Companies have engineering skills and economic RBI titles less than 15 staff , a strong technical engineering staff in less than 10 people ; engineering skills and strong staff , the staff have intermediate professional titles at least five people.
3, the company registered more Precast concrete plant yuan cost of gold , net assets of 25 million yuan or more.
4, the business nearly three years, the highest annual income of 30 million yuan project settlement .
5 , with more than two sets of 55 m3 / h with a stirring system , less than 10 concrete trucks , pumps and auxiliary send at least two units. 6 , the enterprise has a concrete special laboratory.


Synonym for concrete mixing station

It is understood that this concrete mixing (station) can be widely used in concrete, high-speed railway, water conservancy and other concrete mixing concentrated place, and according to different process requirements and the actual site require tailored products, with a distinct professional quality . End of the mixing station "light gray" Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant new environmentally friendly products to attract many people's attention. In the public mind, "noise, sewage flow, dust Yang" is a synonym for concrete mixing station. In order to change traditional concrete mixing station "light gray" image, reduce environmental pollution, stationary concrete batching plant manpower and material resources to carry out scientific research, ultimately producing this new type of concrete mixing station.


Concrete century life really achieve standards

The bottom line cost reduction resulting in mass concrete has been a breakthrough on the one hand is the environmental pressure and excess capacity , increased competition in the industry status quo , are forcing companies must upgrade the concrete , only transformation and upgrading, it may be in the rising market concentration -mixed concrete market on a cost advantage to seize market opportunities , seize advantage to differentiate high-end market segments , in the new round of the jungle , out of the integration process , and achieved status of the industry , to achieve large-scale development . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant and durability targets main material is sand and gravel aggregate , we all know, the aggregate level with the "minimum gap " principle, can be achieved with less amount of cement and sand , especially in the high-speed rail applications such as stationary concrete batching plant concrete to reduce the amount of cement , but will increase the durability of the concrete life of a hundred years to really standard .


The initial stage of rapid development

China Construction Machinery Association, Precast concrete plant, China's construction machinery market is now in an initial stage of rapid development , and disorderly competition at this stage the most prominent feature of the market . Return to ready mix concrete plant in the market under the premise of market opportunities will be more popular in the better player . Suzi Meng think that after this wave of winter baptism, Chinese construction machinery is expected to enter a new stage of development of technology upgrades . Infrastructure construction , the western development , urbanization and railway rail transit construction , will make construction machinery market demand and needs to maintain lasting two characteristics .


machinery and equipment performance has been divided

Machinery and equipment performance has been divided , metal smelting equipment situation is significantly better than the growth in packaging and feed equipment . According to Bureau of Statistics data show that in July of metal smelting equipment production was 77,000 tons , an increase of 31.4% , the growth rate down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month , but the overall level is still high . Precast concrete plant equipment production was 8965 units, an increase of 8.5% , the chain fell 5.9% , down slightly from last month to expand. July feed production equipment 31,000 units , down 26.3 percent , down a row in March to expand.
Construction machinery industry this year has been a weak recovery trend , in July as the off-season , sales are also not much improvement. According to the latest statistics Industry Association ,ready mix concrete plant manufacturers of excavators excavators 6351 units were sold , an increase of 8 % growth rate in June rose 7.4 percentage points from January- July cumulative sales of 75,305 units excavator industry , down 10.88 percent , a decline trend was improving . Ring than in July fell 24 percent excavators , meet seasonal characteristics , but has narrowed down over the previous March , the emergence of this improvement is mainly driven by sales of foreign brands in the last month due.


Good sources of emissions control facilities

Shenyang will National Games Village , Olympic surrounding areas designated as environmentally friendly green label area, prohibit yellow car traffic. Prohibited outside concrete mixer machine the Games without a green flag vehicles Shenyang, and accelerate motor vehicle " oil gas" process . Strengthening trucks and vehicles transporting hazardous chemicals management traffic . Bus operators to strengthen management, will not meet the country Ⅲ standard buses transposed to the key control line operator outside the region or to Concrete mixing plants technical measures to prevent smoky vehicles on-line operations .


Primary source of concrete construction

 Use of PLC centralized control, ERP management software through the integrated management of the entire operating system into the data age. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant  graded building project , will also adopt this model of business transformation and upgrading of mixed companies, providing value-added services with more than a database to help enterprises to establish compliance with local building materials industry and aggregate characteristics of the mixing ratio adjustment services, training and equipment, personnel , etc. , which to some extent, for this supplier popularity of mixed mode of production to create the conditions , according to industry association estimates, annual domestic production and sales of batch mixing plant environmental mixing station ( F ) over 3600 lines, if all using this new form of production , concrete machinery production value will increase at least ten billion yuan more than the new , Zoomlion in large-scale environmental mixing station ( F ) will also share in the field of further increased dramatically.


regulator and lubricator failure

Valve failure are: pressure regulator is not high, or the slow pressure rise . Pressure regulator is not high, often due to pressure regulator spring break or diaphragm failure and must be renewed ; pressure rises slowly , usually caused because the filter is clogged , should be removed and washed . Concrete mixing plants : leaking pipe joints , hose rupture, condensate aggregation . Leaking pipe joints and hose rupture up to judge the sound leak from the site , should be promptly repaired or replaced ; if there is accumulating condensate pipeline , it shall promptly drained , ready mix concrete plant by condensed water in the northern winter, easy to knot ice and clogging gas .
Compressed air processing components ( triplets ) faults are: oil and water separator failure , regulator and lubricator failure. Failure of oil-water separator is divided into , filter clogging , breakage , drain valve moving parts moving parts is not flexible and so on. Work should always clean the filter , remove sewage and impurities inside the oil .


According to Bureau of Statistics

Machinery and equipment performance has been divided , metal smelting equipment situation is significantly better than the growth in packaging and feed equipment . According to Bureau of Statistics data show that in July of metal smelting equipment production was 77,000 tons , an increase of 31.4% , the growth rate down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month , but the overall level is still high . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant production was 8965 units, an increase of 8.5% , the chain fell 5.9% , down slightly from last month to expand. July feed production equipment 31,000 units , down 26.3 percent , down a row in March to expand. Construction machinery industry this year has been a weak recovery trend , in July as the off-season , sales are also not much improvement. According to the latest statistics Industry Association , July 28 major manufacturers of excavators excavators stationary concrete batching plant, an increase of 8 % growth rate in June rose 7.4 percentage points from January- July cumulative sales of 75,305 units excavator industry , down 10.88 percent , a decline trend was improving . Ring than in July fell 24 percent excavators , meet seasonal characteristics , but has narrowed down over the previous March , the emergence of this improvement is mainly driven by sales of foreign brands in the last month due.


gas stations and oil tanker

Main measures and time node : City of Industry, to strengthen the supervision of the quality of oil a year less than 2,000 batches of random testing vehicle gasoline and diesel samples to crack down on sales of non-compliance behavior of oil . Municipal Environmental Precast concrete plant , Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau to strengthen its duties detergency gasoline and diesel vehicles , vehicle NOx reductant and production of oil quality supervision.
Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau annual inspection and sampling tests led oil storage facilities , gas stations and oil and gas recovery tankers less than 30,000 times ; promote the implementation of more than 5,000 tons oil and gas recovery line monitoring renovation project ; 2013-2014 to carry out oil and gas filling stations online monitoring of research and pilot recovered in 2015 to promote the implementation . Main measures and ready mix concrete plant: 2013 ban on new research to develop the city , expanded high-polluting industrial project directory , 2014 promulgated. If necessary, every 2-3 years to be updated. In principle prohibiting the construction of iron and steel, cement , coke, non-ferrous metal smelting, aluminum , glass , calcium carbide , ferroalloy, bitumen membrane high energy consumption, high pollution projects , no general construction labor-intensive manufacturing projects .


Service agency or the user's parts supply

For example, in foreign mature automotive markets , from sales
Amount of view , parts sales accounted for 39% of sales accounted for 21% of manufacturers , accounting for 7% of the retail , service and accounting 33% of the domestic car market is now 37% of sales accessories , manufacturers accounted for 43 % and retail accounted for 8 % Services accounted for 12% ; profits from sales of view, vehicle sales concrete mixer machine the automotive industry accounts for about 20% of profits ,
Parts supply about 20% of the profits , while 50 % to 60% of the profit is generated in the service sector .Therefore, our manufacturing industries in the service market, there is still much room for growth, Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant construction Strong growth in machinery industry , its market after the tremendous development potential.


Insufficient mixing station output power

(1) within the cylinder occurs, external leakage, usually due to the eccentric rod installation, lubricating oil supply shortage, seals and sealing ring worn or damaged cylinder and piston rod with impurities resulting from such injuries. So, when the cylinder occurs inside and outside leakage, re-adjust the center of the piston rod, piston and cylinder to ensure concentricity; should always check the lubricator is working and reliable, to ensure the implementation of components oiled; when the seal ring and seal ring ring worn or damaged, shall be replaced; if impurities exist in the cylinder, should be promptly removed; piston rod has scars should be replaced.
(2) Precast concrete plant output force and movement is not smooth, generally pistons or piston rod is stuck due to poor lubrication, air supply is insufficient, or a condensate tank and impurities and other causes. In this regard, should be adjusted to the center of the piston rod; checking whether the work lubricator reliable; supply line is clogged. When the cylinder memory condensed water and impurities, should be promptly removed.
(3) of the buffer cylinder is poor, ready mix concrete plant because of a buffer seal wear or damage caused by the adjustment screw. At this point, you should replace the seals and adjusting screw.
(4) damage to the piston rod and the cylinder head, generally due to the eccentric rod installation work or buffer mechanism caused. In this regard, should be adjusted to the center position of the piston rod; changing the buffer seals or adjustment screws.


Device configurations are used common parts

Technical Support: companies and domestic scientific research institutes and professional high-end customers , timely and thoughtful recipes for new customers and special admixtures, enabling customers to outperform their peers to ensure product quality .good service : Concrete mixing plants has a professional pre-sale, sale, sale team in the country among major cities have set up outlets , better understand the river plus fast , convenient and attentive service. the daily output Large: domestic counterparts equipment design production capacity classes are about 30m3 ( required labor about 20 ) , and concrete mix plant a highly efficient intelligent devices , the maximum class capacity of up to 60 ~ 140m3 ( labor only 7 to 8 people ) , enabling customers to scale, standardized production can be achieved.


concrete bottom line cost reduction resulting in quality

Constitute the main material of concrete - cement, also faces severe challenges. Cement in the production process of carbon dioxide emissions about mankind 5% of total carbon dioxide emissions , accounting for social 9% of total carbon dioxide emissions , not including cement and concrete in the logistics and transport process of secondary pollution, Concrete mixing plants cement and concrete and other building materials has become haze of air pollution one of the main culprits .
The bottom line cost reduction resulting in mass concrete has been a breakthrough on the one hand is the environmental pressure and excess capacity , increased competition in the industry status quo , are forcing companies must upgrade the concrete , only transformation and upgrading, it may be in the rising market concentration -mixed concrete market on ready mix concrete plant to seize market opportunities , seize advantage to differentiate high-end market segments , in the new round of the jungle , out of the integration process , and achieved status of the industry , to achieve large-scale development .


Concrete quality

Finally a car side volume adjustment according to the situation, to prevent waste.  mixing station must be filed in triplicate concrete made of materials, must be filled concrete level, the project name, station or location, quantity, unit of time and the use of concrete issue. Appearance when mixing station duty officer signed by the concrete transport vehicle drivers to use onboard, the signature by the consumer recognition. Precast concrete plant to retain a joint. concrete sends the material distributed throughout the day every day should be a single material concrete construction site summary report of supplies departments to ensure proper requisition content writing and signed complete.  in order to ensure the quality of concrete, on sand, stone, stationary concrete batching plant be strictly controlled, laboratory investigations required to be seized materials, good records and found unqualified, immediately stop feeding, and promptly identify the cause.


Construction machinery on land

Construction machinery on land, there are many models that work with a car chassis to install the device refitted, such as: cranes, truck mounted crane, concrete mixer truck, concrete pump truck boom frame, truck-mounted concrete pump . Ocean engineering machinery is actually adapted from the works dedicated ship, so exactly defined, should be called engineering vessels, as water engineering construction equipment for operations in inland and ocean above. Also the type of ship construction are more functional use and Precast concrete plant construction machinery like. For example, the land on excavators, sea have dredger; land with cranes, crane at sea there (commonly known as the floating crane); land with hammers, offshore boats are piling; concrete mixer machine, sea have Lifting pipelay vessel; concrete mixing stations on land, at sea with concrete mixing vessel; land on flatbed trailers and offshore tugs and barges have.

Concrete mixing carrier market is expanding

This is thirty-one response to the national maritime strategy towards marine engineering machinery segment important step.
In recent years, with the national infrastructure continues to expand, more and more high degree of mechanization of construction, stationary concrete batching plant also vary widely, such as the harnessing of rivers, construction of bridges, harbor construction, expanding the scale of construction, construction site constantly from land extend to offshore, making the amount of concrete poured in the water greatly increased. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant of rapid development, and thus the traditional challenges posed concrete mixing equipment. Conventional concrete mixing plant concrete mixing equipment is usually installed in the offshore land, mixing well through concrete mixer truck repaired trestle along the pre-construction in the vicinity of the concrete delivered, and then pumped through the concrete to the designated construction site.


Concrete frame structure

In the steel reinforced concrete frame structure or use . Siding sizes are also increasing , the maximum length of 9m. Panels are generally located on the floor . Exterior siding with granite finishes are in the precast factory prefabricated and then transported to the site for installation. Using this technique , you can plant a shape, not only of good quality and high efficiency, large levee high level of mechanization and factory .Precast concrete plant that this set of external finishes , structural layer , waterproofing and insulation as one of the wall panels practices should be widely applied . Although the 1980s Beijing to promote a lot, but in the 1990s, but instead is rarely used. In addition, foreign external finishes used less brick ( especially white tile ) , even when using tile size is also used with similar color imitation ready mix concrete plant . In the interior of the United States also increased use of stone ( including granite, marble ) , the better . Dora the ground granite finishes sewing separate compartments , slit width 5 ~ 1Omm, pointing with silicone rubber .


construction machinery recycled products

The project focuses on leading research engineering machinery comprehensive retrospective recovery of product information technology,Recycling product quality state detection technology and feedback , engineering machinery products recycling system and multidimensional Inventory control, engineering machinery recycled products reverse logistics information platform in four areas designed to entry Head for the carrier, to build construction machinery recycled products reverse logistics system, and the forward , reverse two A process of information integration platform and integration , and ultimately the whole life cycle of the product pipe Management . Concrete mixing plants, will achieve their key components remanufacturing bulldozer 1,500 sets of production capacity, Annual output will reach 600 million yuan or more ; establishment of relevant technical standards , training a large number of related technical personnel. Hair Reverse logistics force just to conform to the current trend of social development , but also to implement the " price Leading value "concept .concrete mixer machine, also through reverse logistics, understanding existing products exist Weak points , and the information fed back to the R & D and manufacturing sectors to go, so as to effectively improve product Performance and quality , the " green value " continues to be passed to the user.


Appropriate scale mixing station

 Layout should be compact, try to land conservation. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant reserve capacity is less than 10 days or else concrete requirements.Layout, mixing station to determine the size, land area, machinery and equipment configuration, function zoning, site foundation treatment, surface hardening, road planning, electrical design, drainage design, mixing and storage silo base station master basic design, color steel roof covering gravel silo design, office and living area design, material procurement metering system design, information systems design, organizational design, site laboratory construction, aggregate sieve wash system design, environmental systems (including sedimentation tank) design . Including cement, ready mix concrete plant foundation treatment such as mechanical inspection must be considered, the number of tube silo meet inspection requirements.


construction machinery recycled products

The project focuses on leading research engineering machinery comprehensive retrospective recovery of product information technology,Recycling product quality state detection technology and feedback , engineering machinery products recycling system and multidimensional Concrete mixing plants, engineering machinery recycled products reverse logistics information platform in four areas designed to entry Head for the carrier, to build construction machinery recycled products reverse logistics system, and the forward , reverse two A process of information integration platform and integration , and ultimately the whole life cycle of the product pipe Management . Three years, will achieve their key components remanufacturing bulldozer 1,500 sets of production capacity, Annual output will reach 600 million yuan or more ; establishment of relevant technical standards , training a large number of related technical personnel. Hair Reverse logistics force just to conform to the current trend of ready mix concrete plant , but also to implement the " price Leading value "concept . Moreover, also through reverse logistics, understanding existing products exist Weak points , and the information fed back to the R & D and manufacturing sectors to go, so as to effectively improve product Performance and quality , the " green value " continues to be passed to the user.


Concrete Machinery Technology New Technology

Concrete machinery technologies and new techniques were rigorous and detailed explanations, so that the presence of a new generation of customers for the performance characteristics of concrete machinery products have a more profound understanding. Precast concrete plant, the truck is equipped with a number on the intelligent, user-friendly feature set, aroused great interest in the presence of customers , such as a key service calls , a key standby function, it can reduce the machine hand labor intensity, improve efficiency. The latest mixer products , not only beautiful football -style exterior painting , and its inclusion within the EU has the wisdom of the T-shaped blade technology makes concrete more uniform , durable and stable. For such pains to innovation and batch mixing plant performance upgrades aimed at providing our customers with greater construction efficiency , to achieve the greatest value for customers . In subsequent field visits , customers who have made concrete machinery equipment close inspection, the quality of equipment and expressed appreciation . Represented by a series of pump performance, cost-effective Zoomlion concrete equipment . In the future will purchase mixer and pump products.


Project dedicated power neutral point

Project dedicated power neutral point directly grounded 220/380V low voltage electrical systems must be used to protect access to zero TN-S system, and to do three power distribution protection and two "one machine, one box a gate-drain."  Power operating personnel must be certified, according to the provisions worn properly, the use of labor protection products. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant distribution distribution box should be marked, distribution box should gates, locks, a water-resistant measures, steel switch box must be grounded. All electrical equipment must be complete, no damage, good performance. You must use the installation
?????With an electric shock protector outlet. Shock protection should be periodically tested to ensure reliable performance. Do not use copper wire, iron wire and other metal instead of fuses. Prohibited in a switch to connect multiple electrical devices. stationary concrete batching plant, mixing station shall be provided within the district to meet the safety requirements for lighting.


Batching and mixing difference

Batching and mixing difference: mixing station production capacity is small, the structure easily removable, can be composed of container transfer site for construction site; mixing large volume, high productivity, only as a stationary mixing device, For large-scale water conservancy projects or production of large commercial concrete supply. Precast concrete plant  concrete mixing plant mainly by the mixing console, material weighing system, material handling systems, material storage systems and control systems and other five major system components and other ancillary facilities. Since F aggregate measurement and metering station aggregate reduction compared to four intermediate links, and is a vertical cutting measure, ready mix concrete plant, thus greatly improving the efficiency of production, the same type of case, the mixing ratio of production efficiency mixing plant production efficiency third.


Mixing station cleaning materials to be considered

Concrete mixing plants close to the highway, according to the actual situation of the construction of the introduction of the address line. Three electric power, water and access to convenient, smooth communication, to meet the mixing station network management requirements. Four venues open flat area to meet the construction needs. Mixing station to consider cleaning and storage of raw materials, concrete mix, mixer layout, logistics channel, office and living areas, etc., site area should be sufficiently large and flat, open, to meet the production needs of the construction. 5 to ensure safe from floods and landslides threaten to avoid landslides, rockfall, landslides, batch mixing plant and other locations. Avoid soil, spoil venue. Avoid high voltage lines and tall trees. And communication lines to maintain a certain distance. As far as possible away from the buildings built in the 20m, 300m away from centralized blasting area, 1 km away from the forest zone over the region. From the boiler room, generator room, kitchen and other temporary housing must be located no less than 10 m.


Transmittance of the transparent plate

Polycarbonate is an excellent architectural decoration and roofing materials , in recent years has been in the domestic many large public buildings and public facilities used . Concrete mixing plants , size can be determined according to need . Polycarbonate sheet is divided into single plate and double plate . Light weight , high strength , impact resistance, unbreakable , color variety , waterproof , heat insulation , light , sound , fire retardant, anti-UV , anti- infrared, without heating can bend , concrete mix plant , the construction of civilization , site clean and so on. Resistant to temperature changes of up to -40-120oc; heat transfer coefficient : Veneer 4.64-5.49W / (m2 · K); density 1.20g/cm3; 8mm thick transparent plate transmittance of 82% ; tensile strength of 72MPa; resistance bending strength of 97MPa; flexural modulus 2400MPa.

Concrete machinery and equipment testing location

Construction machinery construction work environment is more severe , than the sparsely populated remote mountainous areas, is the architectural Construction sites, landfills, and other national key projects , focusing on models, verification teams adhere to long Phase concrete mixer machine, room and board are located in the device test site . China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual level Average temperature -5 ℃. Even in April, when the spring , Mohe is still cold of minus 20-degree, Bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 in China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial Test , the validation staff long-term tracking verification , because SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side Stationary conacrete plant three times the damage to be overhauled repaired. Fieldwork electricity shortage and lack of basic labor Installation, repair and maintenance operations very difficult. The face of difficulties , validate effective teamwork , with the most rudimentary Equipment, such as rods , nuts, etc. , instead of air gun made a tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; With loaders, excavators exploded instead of driving ...... in the process , at least 60-80 tons The press, but subject to conditions , can only rely on manpower to solve all , so often there will be a few people Hanging in the air , by its own weight Remove the bolt scenes.

Excellent concrete machinery and equipment

He further pointed out that , in the face when Before increasing demand for concrete , construction materials repeatedly been flooded with low-cost line of inferior materials Industry status quo, but also to play an exemplary role in leading the industry , increased research efforts , optimize the process ,For the entire community to provide superior concrete machinery and equipment.
It is because of the MNE Declaration "thought to build the future" persistent insist , will have such an advanced Precast concrete plant machinery was born. Continuous gradation concrete mixing building was put into operation, but also for Praise from all walks of life come . China Construction Machinery Industry Association, concrete machinery, construction of the sets of the system Put into operation , to achieve environmental protection, batch mixing plant , and promote the harmonious development of trade and human , with When the production of concrete to bring the most advanced technology industry as a whole , for the concrete industry has Role in promoting the launch of the device , can greatly improve the production efficiency of the concrete.

grassroots Concrete Slab

Rigid polyurethane foam can be used in a variety of roofing projects . Its primary use is mainly concrete cast panels or precast concrete panels and cement mortar layer . Precast concrete plant polyurethane foam , both as a waterproof layer , but also as insulation layer ; some as one of a waterproof layer, but it is also insulation, waterproofing coating with waterproofing membrane or composite ; also waterproof coatings, waterproofing membrane, hair polyurethane foam composite of three materials together to form waterproof insulation layer . Sloping roof practice primarily in the grass on concrete foam, then in its hang watts. Both forms of roofing insulation effect is very good, but because of rigid polyurethane foam resistant to ultraviolet radiation performance is poor , the construction must be set when using stationary concrete batching plant . Flat roofing project can be combined with other waterproof material used , the rigid foam polyurethane waterproof layer disposed on the lower part of casein . From the fundamental solution to the flat roof insulation problem is in the use of rigid polyurethane foam roof structure designed using structure to find the slope , especially in-situ concrete roofing .

Traditional brick structure housing

In March this year , Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant high-rise building on suspicion of Shenzhen Ping An was ordered to use substandard concrete work to make rectification , dealing with the construction Main structure of the quality of the concrete core once again become the focus of attention .
On the other hand , constitute the main material of concrete - cement, also faces severe challenges. This kind Is known as the greatest invention of the 20th century building , on the Earth's climate , concrete mix plant. As Today this material most widely used in a large kiln firing limestone and clay formed to generate one tons per Cement , there will be nearly one ton of carbon dioxide emissions into the air.

Concrete Slab or precast concrete panels

The primary use is mainly concrete cast panels or precast concrete panels and cement mortar layer . Concrete mixing plants , both as a waterproof layer , but also as the insulation layer ; some as one of a waterproof layer. Rigid polyurethane foam used for roofing projects , can play the role of waterproof insulation can also play the role . In all building insulation materials, the thermal conductivity of ready mix concrete plant polyurethane lowest 0.033W / (m · K); internal structure of the sealing rate of ≥ 92%, foaming of the surface to form a smooth layer film, which obturator close to 100% , with a high hydrophobic ; density of 40kg/m3 the strength > 1.5MPa; have a certain flexibility , elongation of 10% ; on metal, concrete , masonry, wood, glass has good adhesion.

Reinforced concrete building decoration

In the United States a number of important public buildings , but also more use of white marble with a similar white stone for exterior finishes , usually with fine faceted stones , very beautiful , stones vary in size , with white silicon rubber pointing.
Some U.S. large public buildings foyer , hall, entrance designed to use more large diameter cylinder, these cylinders are generally used concrete mixer machine stone, some as high as 8 ~ 9m, and hard to find patchwork . With stone sculpture in the country but also for the more common , especially in some important large-scale tour project. In short, from the United States in recent years, the development trend of architectural point of view, glass walls ( especially full glass curtain wall ) has been dwindling , stone finishes are continuously increasing.Stationary conacrete plant finishes of view, frame or steel reinforced concrete construction , the use of external walls with precast stone veneer siding more . In architectural art practices, the rough surface with the use of stone and polished stone , decorative stone more attractive .

Reinforced concrete or steel frame structure

In the steel reinforced concrete frame structure or use . Siding sizes are also increasing , the maximum length of 9m. Panels are generally located on the floor . Exterior siding with granite finishes are in the precast factory prefabricated and then transported to the site for installation. Concrete mixing plants technique , you can plant a shape, not only of good quality and high efficiency, large levee high level of mechanization and factory . Practice has proved that this set of external finishes , structural layer , waterproofing and insulation as one of the wall panels practices should be widely applied . Although the 1980s Beijing to promote a lot, but in the 1990s, but instead is rarely used. In addition, foreign external finishes used less brick ( especially white tile ) , even when using tile size is also used with similar color imitation brick brick brick . In the interior of the United batch mixing plant increased use of stone ( including granite, marble ) , the better . Dora the ground granite finishes sewing separate compartments , slit width 5 ~ 1Omm, pointing with silicone rubber . Many ground surface using fine granite , not only slip when walking foot feeling is also very good .


With a good concrete dry material discharged into the mixer hopper

Ingredients control device according to specification requirements, batching controller to enter the recipe (unused material must be set to 0). Press the ingredients button, batching machine began to enter the automatic batching process. It works as follows: First, Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant Ⅰ belt conveyor will feed Ⅰ transported to said hopper, said hopper feed Ⅰ when the weight reaches its set value, the material Ⅰ belt conveyor automatically stops; then open automatically feed Ⅱ belt conveyor When the weight of said material in the hopper reaches material Ⅰ, Ⅱ settings of materials and time, material Ⅱ belt conveyor stops feeding belt conveyor Ⅲ start work ...... so complete with four kinds of materials, the machine will be in a wait state . Then press the discharge button, discharging belt conveyor work, with a good concrete dry material discharged into the batch mixing plant. After discharge, the discharge belt conveyor automatically stops and automatically start the second cycle ingredients, the end of the second cycle ingredients, and wait for the material, and so forth.

Concrete mixing station use more

All ingredients are measured under the door can be equipped with a whole bucket, so that all fit into the same material were measured bucket (cumulative measurement) can also be set up in each of the ingredients separately measured subglottic bucket (each, each material), complete metering of material from the bottom of the belt conveyor into the next part.
Concrete mixing plants formula use is way down the material gravity, so the ingredients fast for medium to large mixing station, HZS50 concrete mixing station above (F) use more.
For large batching machine, such as: PL3200 or more, in order to shorten the time the ingredients should be adopted separately measured way.
Because batching machine's primary role is quantitative, accurate delivery of various materials, so long as the grain, ready mix concrete plant: gravel, coal, grain raw materials, slag, ceramic, etc. can delivery (but every single kind of material weight distribution preferably not less than 50Kg), it is also widely used in batching machine: aerated concrete bricks, light panels and other building materials industry, coal mine construction gravel Wall ingredients, chemicals configuration.

Belt machine starts to bring out the raw material storage hopper

 The principle: the ingredients begin, start with a belt conveyor hopper to the set value in raw material belt is stopped, and then under the control of the control instruments, Precast concrete plant of several materials to all materials configured, instrumentation control will start unloading belt material into the next part (such as blenders enhance bucket or belt conveyor, etc.)
Multi-belt ingredient for small and medium sized construction site, because of its smaller base materials such as sand PL800 with 500Kg, press ≤ ± 2% error count, absolute error within the 0 ~ 20Kg, so as to further improve the batching accuracy, reduce errors value without compromising the efficiency of delivery, the ingredients can be slow, fast discharge mode. Error can be controlled within the 0 ~ 5Kg.
Users use such batching machine in order to reduce procurement costs, and more hope to borrow metering hopper batching machine to simultaneously measure bulk cement, cement screw conveyor through the cement into the cement silo batching machine weighing hopper, generally do concrete mixer machine this usage, Because cement fluidity, will cause the conveyor belt weighing hopper mouth with a small amount of cement gap overflow, causing loss of live or cement dust pollution, such as have to use this method you must use Groove belt roller and bucket lip additional soft thin wall in order to control the cement spill.

Mixer mixing power calculation model

This paper from the characteristics of JZ type mixer, Stationary conacrete plant and stress analysis to proceed, according to the concrete rheological equation, This type mixer mixing power calculation model, and verified by an example. 1 Mixing process in motion analysis of concrete cone near the end of the feed tube Inner wall of the symmetrical arrangement of a pair of lower blades and a pair of high blades. These two sets of leaves Tablets and cylinder axis points
Do not become Α,-Α angle welded to the cylinder on. While stirring them with a cylinder Starting rotation. In the stationary concrete batching plant, the low part of the blade of the concrete mix A higher position to the cylinder material. Then under its own weight, this part of the mixed Aggregate material falling down, some of which fell in the lower position is high Blade. Some of these mixing compound in the cylinder body splash, while others follow High blade axis direction toward the cylinder near the end of the discharge cone movement.

Since the fall cone reversal discharging mixer

In order to adapt to different mixing requirements, mixer developed many models, the First, the design of concrete mixer for selection, by comparing the final confirmation Be selected from the drop-cone reversal discharging mixer. After selection of the mixer Concrete mixing plants  of the design calculations, first through the design of the mixing tube meter Operators identified stirring power, select the motor, reducer after design, which is This design is an important part in the design of the gear unit, reference materials , According to the design of the mixer step of calculating each of the components designed reducer, After the completion of the design of reducer, right outside of the mixing tube large open gears Design calculations, it is the difficulty of this design, because the gear ratio Large, need a good solution to this problem in order to finalize the mixer Transmission part of the design, and concrete mixer machine the appropriate section of the drive shaft coupling Connect various devices to complete the transmission part of the design, the material on the upper portion Of a simple design, the final synthesis of the overall unit concrete mixer Points.

Mobile concrete mixing station is divided into traction

Along with mobile and flexible, quick and easy disassembly, storage management simple independence Some characteristics; is a public railways, bridges, ports, hydropower and other projects moving Shi Workers of the best GRF models. Mobile Concrete Batching letters Meaning: YHZS in: Y-Mobile, H-concrete, Z-mixing station, Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant; therefore whose official name is "mobile concrete mixing Station. "I. Main features: current mobile concrete mixing Main station and trailer towed into two kinds, tractor chassis contains a complete The whole of the front and rear axle; trailer chassis, only the rear axle, placed in front of Tractor saddle bridge. 1, disassembly fast, easy to move when transitions: In addition to Screw conveyor, cement silo, the entire front end down to haul mixing station Move; batch mixing plant walking platform, raised panels fold down, without removing all control cables Move. The attachment can be removed with the station away. Xin Jian special mobile mixing station is equipped with Tires, kingpins, traffic signal devices, brakes, trailer drag Allows speeds of up to 50 km / hour. Installation: Hard to be flat Of ground level; removable with a 30 ton crane.

Concrete mixing plant is the production of fresh concrete equipment

Concrete mixing plant is the production of fresh concrete, large equipment, can produce products that meet the requirements of national standard plastic, semi-rigid, dry concrete, widely used in urban commercial concrete, roads, bridges, dams, airports, docks and other medium-sized infrastructure construction site. Precast concrete plant is mixing station in the absorption of foreign advanced technology and control technology agitation, based on the combination of domestic concrete mixing equipment used in the actual situation and the development of a high-productivity, high intelligence, high reliability, high environmental protection, highly modular features such as mixing equipment. Aggregate positions by a package of equipment, aggregate belt conveyor, powder warehouse, screw conveyor, mixer, metering systems, water supply systems, gas systems, control systems, main frame and other components, are independent modular structure, with the following characteristics : 1, excellent mixing console mixing within the industry's first bead concrete mixer machine, its decades of experience in developing it has a very high reliability; pressure cleaning device to achieve automatic cleaning every dish, double door nesting fast, smooth, no residue material mixing arm streamline design, small resistance, long life, with a stirring ability, good mixing quality, high productivity, high reliability, to meet the national standard plastic, semi-rigid, rigid, and other dry kinds of concrete can accomplish good stirring.


Concrete Machinery Branch

 And this process to produce a variety of labels Performance concrete, greater durability , can greatly enhance the quality of the project , to ensure construction of the main structure Stable, safe and reliable.
It is worth mentioning that this advanced concrete production, the production efficiency has also been significantly raise
Liters per hour from the original 180 cubic meters of concrete to enhance the yield of 210 cubic meters, can effectively guarantee Large and key projects of continuous production and supply. Concrete mixing plants Machinery Industry Association Concrete Machinery Branch this The field of concrete production is a technological revolution , there are very important for industrial progress in promoting meaningful, Will become the future development and the transformation and upgrading of mixing a powerful driving force , concrete mixer machine the construction of " the beautiful Country " has a positive demonstration of significance . If everyone , every business from themselves, from the drip Department to conduct improved, getting closer and closer to us will be .

Reinforced concrete

The construction technology and construction efficiency improvements , had already become a variety of reinforced concrete construction Building the main body and the large bridge structure type, replacing the traditional brick structure houses.
However, the business mix industry is facing the survival and development of the current predicament . Precast concrete plant every year new buildings Largest country , about 2 billion square meters newly built area annually , equivalent to 40% of the world consumption Cement and steel , but the average life expectancy is much lower than European and American countries building . In March this year , China's first A high-rise stationary concrete batching plant of Shenzhen Ping An was ordered to use substandard concrete work to make rectification , dealing with the construction Main structure of the quality of the concrete core once again become the focus of attention .

Continuous gradation mixing

Continuous gradation mixing floor can take to improve concrete quality and service life, and reduce the cement right The impact of air pollution is the country, the industry is beneficial to the people of a great thing , will become Mixed concrete industry transformation and upgrading of the powerful driving force .
Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant industry analysts , this new production system despite the cost of the cost compared to traditional equipment The increase, but in order to create a competitive advantage is very obvious indeed , will effectively concrete mix plant companies share Buying demand and promote business equipment upgrade.
" Now is the industrialization and urbanization accelerated development opportunities, this production system first put into operation Run , economic development is bound to play a positive role in promoting. "

Construction debris after a specific iron removal equipment

Mobile crushing plant construction waste disposal equipment , based on the integration of units through integrated , easy and quick The realization of construction waste crushing . Stationary conacrete plant of construction waste through specific iron removal equipment to remove it Iron containing substances, the coarse crushing, breaking , crushing or grinding equipment handling, processing into a Regeneration of sand and batch mixing plant fixed size , and finally applied to the roadbed stone, unburned brick , cement admixtures and other various Aspects.

Crushed waste concrete block sieve

Waste concrete block after crushing and screening to obtain a crude Aggregate and fine aggregate , coarse aggregate can be directly used as a gravel foundation reinforcement , roads and runways Cushion, indoor floor cushion ; fine aggregate for mortar and plaster , if finely ground concrete mixer machine Materials as recycled concrete material to add to replace 10% to 30% of cement and 30% sand ; scrap asphalt mix Concrete mixing plants of recycled aggregate can be done in the lower cushion shop , can also be incorporated into the new part of the asphalt concrete Use ; wet mortar for concrete can be washed , to restore it as grout , gravel and sand into the OK recycling

sand moisture control technology unique technology

Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant concrete machinery manufacturer produce sand production line for the floor layout, small footprint, dust noise reduction effect, dry sand legal, environmental protection, including the amount of powder with inverter control, can easily ensure normality containing powder the amount of 3% -15%, with flakiness content control technology, gradation adjustment control technology, dust content control technology, sand moisture control technology unique technology, which gradation adjustment control technology as the world's most advanced technology, low-power, ultra-wearable. Over the years, has been to energy conservation, environmental protection, low-carbon production targets, set construction equipment, materials, supporting industry expert wisdom, innovation and introduction of dry mix, mixed concrete, sand Trinity complete solution, creating a new stationary concrete batching plant model to achieve profitability and improve users the dual effect of green energy, effectively guaranteeing the healthy development of the industry supply chain and livelihood security, environmental protection, people's livelihood and the perfect combination of business efficiency, and write an efficient, green development, Xinhua Zhang.

Using sand not only energy saving

Using sand not only energy saving, but also raw material cost savings to customers, compared to natural sand, sand the overall cost of energy decreased by 50%. In accordance with the annual output of 20 Articles Manufacturers concrete mixing station, concrete sand 0.8 tons per square, each side 40 kg of cement concrete savings to calculate the cost savings of using sand 6.2032 million yuan; to dry mortar production Precast concrete plant an annual output 100,000 tons , 0.8 tons per ton of sand mortar, drying costs 10 yuan / tons, saving cement 15kg accounting, cost savings of using sand 3.1016 million yuan.
Successfully to configure the sand production line, this process by eliminating the burning of coal, reducing air pollution, and the use of dry sand produced better performance than natural sand mortar, ready mix concrete plant overall costs decreased by 30% -50% . Similarly, the sand in the business mix station applications, can reduce the use of aggregate costs, reduce the amount of cement, so that the overall costs decreased by 20%, to improve concrete quality and stability.


Advanced mechanical properties of concrete is

 This is because the country's reform and opening up a good environment for the excellent development platform, but also because Chinese entrepreneurs combine Chinese construction characteristics of the actual design, creating a solid and reliable product fatigue, coupled with a variety of business models, won the China and the world market recognition. Chinese concrete machinery industry, powerful precisely because "China opportunity" for us to create an excellent condition, this is a historical necessity. Precast concrete plant that we are the winner, not only to foreigners holding a high-end brand recognition products belittles himself. Because the domestic brands of concrete mechanical properties of both advanced, with the reliability and functionality of the adaptive parameter has crossed many foreign brands, and in practice has been verified. China currently has a lot of high-end technology leader in the world, had caused the world to see Tim mesh phase. Therefore, batch mixing plant industry Adverse events are still controllable and not past the bridge, and to those who can catch, effort and enterprise of the entrepreneur's excess funds, capacity development transformed into basic components up, if the engine, transmission parts , hydraulic parts, controllers, etc.

Concrete machinery sales accounted for the proportion of the overall industry

Past five years, its international distribution channels grew by 20%. With fusion, in conjunction dramatically reducing the cost of global sourcing. Data show that by setting up the European strategic sourcing platform, only gave in 2012 cost 60 million yuan directly linked.Concrete mixing plants the European Union in order to understand the tip CIFA as key components of the platform for the Group may be key to the upstream industry chain extension provides support. Fusion, Zoomlion concrete machinery market in China has been rapid development, two annual sales revenue CAGR of 55%, concrete mixer machine growth rate higher than the industry Zoomlion concrete machinery sales accounted for the proportion of the overall industry from 2008 18% to 34%. Industry share as calculated in accordance with 2008, 2012 concrete machinery to enhance more than 12 billion yuan revenue, gross profit more than 4 billion yuan. Which truck market share from 32% in 2008 to 43% in 2012, becoming the first in the country.

Carbon fiber longest boom pump

Not only to achieve the technical and technological breakthroughs, but also to CIFA and Zoomlion has brought new growth point of sale; 2012, in conjunction CIFA launched 101 meters of carbon fiber boom pump, creating the longest based on General Motors chassis boom pump, the longest boom pump carbon fiber and many other world records. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant leading arm technology enables CIFA  in the long arm on the product market share of over 50%. In 2012, demand in the Chinese market slowdown concrete machinery backdrop grafted CIFA Zoomlion technical processes and manufacturing level meter long truck segment, 2012 sales increased 3 times compared to 2011, reaching 52% market share become the absolute leader in the market. CIFA mixer technology makes  mixer market share jumped to first in the world. Through the introduction of CIFA and T-type mixing drum mixer blade technology, concrete mix plant mixer technology and product quality improvement, 2012 Vanda mixer sales market share from less than 8% to 24%, the market income of more than 3.0 billion, gross profit 450 million yuan.

Concrete mixer truck is an important transportation

Concrete mixer truck is an important transportation construction engineering machinery , the current is still no uniform international.Terminology and commercial specifications of the standard . Building construction machinery and equipment according to the Technical Committee 2013 Annual Meeting.Resolution , mixer truck new working group is mainly responsible for construction machinery and equipment concrete mixing transport.Concrete mixing plants be developed mixer truck Terminology and commercial specifications , weakening trade barriers , promote international trade hair Show.As a global manufacturer of construction machinery , concrete mixer truck sales in the world , with a wide range of International influence. Meanwhile, as the national Concrete Machinery Engineering Technology Research Center ,ready mix concrete plant concrete Medium mixing homogeneity control technology, concrete mixer truck residues reduced by 10% . The study Heart 790 patent applications , including 102 international patent application (PCT application ) , is a concrete machineryLeader in advanced technology industries .

After the construction machinery market development

This time, after the construction machinery market development , also will become a hot topic . Of course , there is also Many people believe that China 's national conditions , compared with the United States and Europe , are very different , yet after the market development Times . Precast concrete plant discuss this with you in the new situation , after-market status, is No to the Nuggets , when construction machinery enterprises can become a new profit growth point .
This concept was first proposed by after-market made its intent is : the car was sold , it will generate the relevant  Services markets, including automotive parts supply , car modification ,concrete mixer machine , boutique and beauty and car Electrical appliances. With the improvement and development of the market , after-market concept is more and more industries and sectors Be used. In short, after-market refers to the product after the sale , around the product during use of the various services Services.


machinery and equipment suppliers as the industry chain will lease

After the construction machinery market development engineering machinery rental market has two channels: first, by the mechanical design,Equipment suppliers will be leased as part of the industry chain , such as Concrete mixing plants now completed many leases Store , will lease the machine , two phone disposal, and trade all together, directly provides the user For three options ; two by a professional equipment leasing to provide professional services. China's construction machinery design
Equipment leasing is accompanied by the establishment of market economy and the deepening of reform and opening up gradually developed ,In the early 1990s, the rise and gradually become standardized . According to statistics , the general corporate construction projects Leasing equipment accounted for machinery used mostly for 20% to 40 %, the individual ready mix concrete plant reached more than 70% . Engineering Machinery rental market is vast, optimism , according to the standardization of the direction to carry out Leasing , construction machinery enterprises will be able to post in this market segment to get better benefits .

Construction Machinery equipment repair steering periodic maintenance

Machinery repair and maintenance . Including the warranty period free of maintenance and quality assurance are outside.Stationary conacrete plant for service. The current industry trend is from the engineering machinery and equipment maintenance steering periodic maintenance ,Repair and maintenance of both, maximizing extend equipment life , adding value to our customers through service. 2 rental service leasing market is facing great opportunities : First, mechanical equipment required for the works Prepare varieties increased , shorter duration , lease equipment costs than enterprises batch mixing plant ; Second , leasing can avoid Free introduction and use of new equipment due cycles technical risks ; Third, hire purchasing the enterprise week,Turn more flexible, while avoiding the effects of inflation , reducing investment risk.

strong growth in construction machinery industry

After the development of the market is vast , lucrative . For example, in foreign mature automotive markets , from sales
Amount of view , parts sales accounted for 39% of sales accounted for 21% of manufacturers , accounting for 7% of the retail , service and accounting 33% of the domestic car market is now 37% of sales accessories , manufacturers accounted for 43 % and retail accounted for 8 % Services accounted for 12% ; profits from sales of view, vehicle sales profits throughout the automotive industry accounts for about 20% of profits ,
Parts supply about 20% of the profits , while 50 % to 60% of the profit is generated in the service sector .Therefore, our manufacturing industries in the service market, there is still much room for growth, especially in China's construction
Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant machinery industry , its market after the tremendous development potential. 1 Zero service Parts sales and replacement. Including the manufacturer or dealer for service parts supply and professional users The parts manufacturers supply parts to the user . With the growing use of construction machinery , zero Parts aftermarket demand is stationary concrete batching plant. For professional parts production enterprises , the biggest
The problem is that technical barriers, large manufacturers such as Caterpillar , Komatsu , Volvo and so on with nuclear Heart technique , basically a monopoly of the company's product line sales of spare parts and replacement services. However, in the
Low-end parts product line, professional production companies can still accomplish a great deal .

manufacturing industry chain upstream and downstream sectors

Broader market after the product production and sales market extends forward and backward continuity. From the manufacturer
Perspective, the after-market in the manufacturing industry chain upstream and downstream sectors , which generally include the upstream raw material Materials , spare parts supply chain and downstream second-hand trade , service and use services and other sectors . Precast concrete plant perspective, the first concern is usually the process of consumption market after service, product quality Volume and improved services to improve consumer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn will affect the product
Sales , stimulate product sales market.
After the market is the agency survival of the soil . Agents are manufacturers and customers to maintain the bridge , and with passenger Users communicate directly reduce the manufacturer's channel inputs. Manufacturers and dealers cooperation is to ensure that services and batch mixing plant, increase market share, credibility and effective means . Agents develop in line with market demand Differences in business strategy and flexible communication manufacturers and customers, which will in the market after the occupation and expansion Large target market and achieve agents , manufacturers and customers win-win situation.

construction machinery enterprises new profit growth

Able for construction machinery enterprises to create profits more than just a new machine sales , the place can bring profits
Lot .This time, after the construction machinery market development , also will become a hot topic . Of course , there is also Many people believe that China 's national conditions , compared with the United States and Europe , are very different , yet after the market development Times . Stationary conacrete plant this with you in the new situation , after-market status, is
No to the Nuggets , when construction machinery enterprises can become a new profit growth point .
This concept was first proposed by after-market made ​​its intent is : the car was sold , it will generate the relevant Services markets, including automotive parts supply , car modification , maintenance , boutique and beauty and car Electrical appliances. With the improvement and development of the market , after-market concept is more and more industries and stationary concrete batching plant. In short, after-market refers to the product after the sale , around the product during use of the various services Services. Broadly you look, not only refers to the market after sales service market areas, but refers to the product Production and sale of all businesses that appear before and after the market areas .

construction machinery industry running

China's construction machinery industry is running slump has lasted 27 months . Construction machinery industry is sharply
, Precast concrete plant demand and the market to maintain a larger capacity, overcapacity situation is more serious, while
With the cost of business operations and financial costs increase, the construction machinery industry enterprises are facing survival and hair.Show a severe test. Manufacturing companies keep coming shortage of funds , a lot of accounts receivable, unable to repay ,Unpaid wages , vacation , etc. Collective negative news . From the early expectations of national policies on infrastructure projects.Support , continuous good news , still did not let the new machine construction machinery industry sales show recovery Sign. Construction machinery industry, from machine manufacturers to dealers , as well as associations, the media , as well as ready mix concrete plant the industry 's securities analysts who focus mostly on engineering machinery products, sales of new machines ,Out monthly sales statistics , product sales , the chain number , up much , which the enterprise Market share increased or decreased , are the focus point, the rapid development of China 's construction machinery industry 10 years, has gradually become everyone's thinking inertia .

Building construction machinery and equipment Concrete mixer truck

Concrete mixer truck is an important transportation construction engineering machinery , the current is still no uniform international.Terminology and commercial specifications of the standard . Building construction machinery and equipment according to the Technical Committee 2013 Annual Meeting.Resolution , mixer truck new working group is mainly responsible for construction machinery and equipment concrete mixing transport.Concrete mixing plants be developed mixer truck Terminology and commercial specifications , weakening trade barriers , promote international trade hair Show.As a global manufacturer of construction machinery , concrete mixer truck sales in the world , with a wide range of International influence. Meanwhile, as the national Concrete Machinery Engineering Technology Research Center , concrete mixer machine of concrete.
Medium mixing homogeneity control technology, concrete mixer truck residues reduced by 10% . The study Heart 790 patent applications , including 102 international patent application (PCT application ) , is a concrete machineryLeader in advanced technology industries .


Mixing plant safety, health, environmental management systems

 Organization and Management Organization Chart. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. work procedures and quality management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. Concrete mixing plants. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. equipment operating procedures, maintenance and management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.  equipment metrological verification, calibration and management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.  ready mix concrete plant safety, health, environmental management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. documentation management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. relevant standards, norms, procedures, methods, and other technical documents are complete. Spot checks and in-kind directory list. concrete mix control and management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.  concrete production, transportation and dispatch management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.  raw material quality control measures. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.

Concrete mixing station construction projects completed submissions

Mixing station personnel qualification certificates. Field control personnel check documents and identity cards. Equipment calibration certificate. Live view documents and field labels.  concrete admixture homogeneity test report. Live View test reports and records.  implementation of the standards, practices, procedures and management of the list of documents. Stationary conacrete plant and in-kind. The certificate when submitting application materials can be photocopied or scanned copies, the original shall be submitted on-site review.mixing station construction is completed, after passing all the equipment calibration submit concrete mixing station enabled applications for concrete mixing station to batch mixing plant of copies in quadruplicate, the project materials submitted by the engineering department responsible for auditing the headquarters, while the command Ministry will organize relevant departments to carry out the preliminary acceptance mixing station after acceptance in accordance with the program submitted by the headquarters.

Concrete production plans and records

Mixing station management system and the preparation of job responsibilities, the formation of mixing station management organization and safety, quality and environmental management system.  prepare and complete the annual plan and records: work plans and records, staff training programs and concrete mix plant, equipment inspection and self-test programs and records, equipment maintenance programs and records, equipment usage records, and records of concrete production plans , materials and equipment purchase plans and records.in order to ensure the quality of concrete mix,Concrete mixing plants passenger line Guizhou section of each section of concrete mixing station must follow company information required to set the screen monitoring system.  the Shanghai-Kunming passenger line Guizhou section of each section will need to install concrete mixing stations are mixing station management information system, according to the specified application and acceptance are not allowed to install and use.

Technical conditions for concrete mixing station

Mixing station personnel familiar with the relevant organizations of all procedures and mixing station management system.  please test the relevant technical personnel concrete mixing station technical conditions, high performance concrete, concrete production technology and other knowledge required training for all staff.  Precast concrete plant process, focusing on job professional training. If the test staff to focus on training materials sampling procedures, concrete quality detection technology, a variety of test methods; concrete mixer driver focused training sequence feeding, mixing time control measures to ensure the accuracy and raw materials such as concrete production aspects of the relevant knowledge.  Guidelines for the preparation of the card, sent to all the jobs people. batch mixing plant training programs, there are training records, evaluation of training effectiveness.

Mixing station to do the production of dust

Each construction production staff induction training before the pre-job safety education, good job on-site management and carry out civilized construction. Regular and irregular conduct regular safety checks.  Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant equipped with fire-fighting equipment, the development of "safe operation code" to establish fire protection, anti-virus, security, electricity system, strengthen the safety education, safe operation of regular checks promptly eliminate hidden dangers. mixing station to do the production of dust, sun, rust-proof, anti-pollution work, flammable, ready mix concrete plant, corrosive hazardous materials and other protective measures should be isolated, designate a person for safekeeping. the mixing station to have eye-catching safety signs and banners, with appropriate security safeguards.

Wastewater generated by construction machinery and equipment

Construction noise generated close to residential areas should not exceed the current "Construction Site Noise Limits" (GB12523) requirements, or should be monitored. should be set according to motor vehicles, equipment washing facilities, Concrete mixing plants and settling ponds, construction of sewage treated before discharge into compliance municipal sewage pipe network or river. waste generated by construction machinery and equipment, waste oil and sewage shall directly into rivers, lakes or other waters it, nor shall be discharged into the land near the source of drinking water.  cement, fly ash and other materials, feed, pay attention to materials, stationary concrete batching plant, when the dust is large, feeding should be suspended until the processing is complete before continuing. on a regular basis, someone to clean up and clean the mixing station, mixing station to maintain health.

Set wastewater sedimentation tank and wash area

According to site conditions and a reasonable set of wastewater sedimentation tank washing area, laid drainage system, set up expressly logo, logo production and installed in accordance with "safe and civilized railway construction project site sign" - identified 11 iron, iron identify six requirements.  should be regularly watering the ground, Precast concrete plant for dust sources.  Each concrete mixing operation is complete, timely cleaning equipment, cleaning up the scene, so that space tidy.  Construction noise generated close to residential areas should not exceed the current "Construction Site Noise Limits" (GB12523) requirements, or should be monitored.  should be set according to motor vehicles, equipment washing facilities, drainage ditches and settling ponds, construction of sewage treated before discharge into ready mix concrete plant sewage pipe network or river.  waste generated by construction machinery and equipment, waste oil and sewage shall directly into rivers, lakes or other waters it, nor shall be discharged into the land near the source of drinking water.


concrete construction engineering machinery and equipment

Concrete construction equipment: mixer truck, pump, jet pump and auxiliary equipment, casting molds, vibrators, trowel, cutting drilling machine, etc.; quarry, quarry equipment, building materials, recycled aggregates technology and equipment; precast concrete products production main and auxiliary equipment: mixers, block machinery, tube (column) Concrete batching plant, various molds, bridge girder component molding equipment, tile-machinery, products deep processing machinery, steel processing machinery, ready mix concrete plant aerated concrete production machinery, welding equipment, etc.; ready-mixed concrete mixing station equipment: storage equipment, transportation equipment, ingredients stations, metering equipment, mixing equipment, mixing, control systems and software, mixing station environmental protection equipment.

Concrete materials

Sand and gravel aggregate, admixtures, pigments, cement, expansive, reinforcing fibers, etc.; concrete products: Building, block, Concrete mixing plants, aerated concrete, sheet, pipe, cement tiles, decorative block, etc. ; mortar and production technology and equipment: all kinds of mortar products, special admixtures, production metering, mixing, drying, packaging, storage and transportation, construction and other technical equipment; concrete production, laboratory, engineering, testing technology, instruments and equipment: concrete rheology, gas content, swelling and shrinkage, temperature distribution, crack, pore structure, water permeability, strength, frost resistance, resistance to chloride ion penetration, powder particle morphology and size distribution, steel corrosion, autoclave curing, standard curing and other analytical test equipment; concrete structure reinforcement and extend the life of technology and equipment: surface protective coatings, surface enhancement, structural fiber reinforcement, surface repair, rebar rust, cathodic protection, etc.; ecological concrete and concrete recycling technology and Equipment: concrete mixer machine and separation, recycled concrete aggregate and powder processing, industrial solid waste utilization in concrete; building templates, scaffolding contractors, equipment leasing business, scientific and technical services, media and associations.

concrete products machinery to meet market needs

Concrete mixers and Japan's first hydraulic block machine. Since then, continuous research and development of new machinery concrete products to meet market needs. Currently in Japan's market share has reached 75%. Stationary conacrete plant for users to produce three series, hundreds of concrete and fly ash products: all kinds of porous, blind hole brick, energy-saving insulation block, bearing blocks, split blocks, tiles and other decorative masonry wall building materials; garden retaining blocks, colored tiles, curbs, concrete mixer machine, permeable brick, gardening brick, stone border, heavy floor tile and other ground engineering materials; hydraulic blocks, block slope protection of roads and other environmental engineering materials .

new aerated concrete brick production line

Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant is the use of industrial solid waste gypsum / phosphogypsum production of lightweight, high strength water-resistant gypsum based composite eco-energy saving new wall materials, fully in line with national industrial policy, in line with the development of new building materials formulated by the state should follow the "stick save energy, water , section of soil, environmental protection and the use of renewable resources, "development strategy. Implementation of this project has the protection of arable land, energy conservation, waste utilization,stationary concrete batching plant protection, improved building function and other major social effects, due to its low production costs, its economic benefits will be very substantial.

new aerated concrete brick production line performance

Precast concrete plant and application of the product is light weight, reducing the overall load of the building, it can significantly reduce construction costs. It can be widely used in load-bearing exterior walls, interior, non-load-bearing wall, the inner wall. Stability of the product is extremely low thermal expansion and contraction value, excellent stability. Compressive strength properties 3.1 of the product than the national standard 10MPa, reached 13.7 MPa. 3.2 Water resistance: excellent water resistance stationary concrete batching plant, which is owned by a company's unique patented technology, which can be controlled in softening coefficient from 0.76 to 0.93.  

Concrete and road equipment industry

"Construction Machinery in 2011 the market share of nearly 9000 million road machinery equipment assuming there are 500 million yuan annual output value of the international and domestic market demand attracted into commercial concrete and road equipment industry, customers are already mature brick many needs in this area.
Concrete mixing plants current overall construction machinery market is not optimistic, but because of the popularity of China's urbanization trend is inevitable, the process of urbanization in the market demand for construction machinery, engineering machinery, and 10 years of golden period. In the valley, the construction machinery will usher bottomed.
Construction machinery is not a whim decision. Previously, the mechanical equipment of the wall a very good reputation ready mix concrete plant, many brick-making machines and concrete customers downstream customers are overlapping. Therefore, building materials and machinery for construction machinery products have been well developed pre-market bedding.

concrete molding machine

Construction machinery and equipment in everyday, common mechanical equipment: tower cranes, aerial work platforms, lifts, lifting equipment, lifting machine, truck, machine, bar straightening cutting machines, motors, crushers, concrete mixer, concrete pump, concrete batching machine, concrete jet, vibrators and vibrator, etc.,Concrete mixing plants the construction of urban and rural construction and machinery and equipment used. Innovation, concrete molding machine in the domestic market share of Wenduo first; import means of information, close docking worldwide 106 countries and regions, more than 7,000 customers, the rapid growth of peaks mechanical equipment manufacturing market in Quanzhou a shining pearl.
Body mass has more than 500 billion yuan, Quanzhou, a veritable specialty equipment manufacturing industry cluster. "Road construction machinery, brick machinery production, technical level are the first in the province." Late last year, Quanzhou Economic and Trade Commission to conduct a survey equipment manufacturing industry, the research group, responsible person, South Road Machine's top dry type sand making technology, batch mixing plant machinery peaks waste disposal equipment to become the industry leader. Sustained technological innovation and management innovation, boosting these two equipment manufacturing enterprises in Quanzhou called standard-bearer.


Concrete machinery produce different energy and productivity

Because concrete machinery, even if the same company in the same model, the same specifications of the product, just pumping concrete cylinder piston installation differences, it will make running resistance and productivity changes, will produce different energy and productivity, Precast concrete plant common sense, not to mention the various enterprises of different product positioning is not, as in the choice of parameters, the size of the pumping pressure distribution, configuration varies, cost is not the same, some specializing in long arm, some specializing in high- lift distance, some specializing in high-performance, some specializing in high reliability, how more than a few products only in the models, specifications of the choice of the enterprise is difficult to unity, why must we go to the strengths of their products than other people's so-called "short board" mean? So to be truly scientific and rational, there must be a professional appraisal team, concrete mixer machine on the content of the contest when possible. Of course, within the enterprise through pilot testing to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each enterprise products to improve their level is possible, normal. However, in a test of public occasions business model in the world market is also extremely rare. I hope the industry exclusive commercial activities organized similar events do not happen again.

The delivery of quality concrete

However, the reality of the past 10 years shows that the concrete mixer truck is not effective implementation of national standards most of construction machinery, concrete conveying quality and safety of the transportation process are not properly guaranteed. stationary concrete batching plant produce mixer truck, concrete is not able to guarantee deliveries of segregation, whether generated or excessive bleeding detection and stir yet defined, concrete projects can guarantee the quality, but also the lack of final inspection. The durability of concrete indicators are able to achieve it is worrying.
Concrete mixing plants than two hundred thousand units mixer truck in the safe operation aspects, more serious. Driving stability greatly affected, because the increase in the total mass of the heavy travel speed is constant, a geometric inertia force multiplier, making the car's steering and braking force seriously out of control, urban construction vehicles in traffic accidents , mixer accounted for first place, many drivers become taken advantage of this equipment and the victim. Root cause lies in the so-called manufacturers to meet the user's requirements, and seek maximum sales resulting design is not standardized.

Concrete machinery industry Adverse events

Therefore, concrete machinery industry Adverse events are still controllable and not past the bridge, and to those who can catch, effort and enterprise of the entrepreneur's excess funds, Precast concrete plant transformed into basic components up, if the engine, transmission parts , hydraulic parts, controllers, etc. contribute to and hope that some of the more high-tech mergers and acquisitions base parts enterprises, so that talent is not cause for genuine dedication to the respect by the industry, or ready mix concrete plant, also foreign parts assembly plant, you then also for foreigners thinking ahead advertise products for foreigners to reap high profits, have to let outsiders look down on humble self, it should not be that we pursue and declared dyed purposes.

Concrete machinery fully integrated management

Currently concrete machinery sales team and network has been fully integrated management, using its own production, technical sales network advantage, putting more Zoomlion products into diverse markets mainly in Europe. Past five years, its international distribution channels grew by 20%. With fusion, in conjunction dramatically reducing the cost of global sourcing. Data show that by setting up the European strategic sourcing platform, only gave in 2012 cost 60 million yuan directly linked. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant European Union in order to understand the tip CIFA as key components of the platform for the Group may be key to the upstream industry chain extension provides support. Fusion, Zoomlion concrete machinery market in China has been rapid development, two annual sales revenue CAGR of 55%, the annual compound growth rate higher than the industry Zoomlion concrete machinery sales accounted for the proportion of the overall industry from 2008 18% to 34%. Industry share as stationary concrete batching plant accordance with 2008, 2012 concrete machinery to enhance more than 12 billion yuan revenue, gross profit more than 4 billion yuan. Which truck market share from 32% in 2008 to 43% in 2012, becoming the first in the country.